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Monday, March 31, 2008

Marlins Open 2008 With a Loss

Ok, one major criticism for my Marlins: Loria, lose the douche patrol cheerleaders.

Maybe it isn't new this year, not sure, but today I noticed some guys that looked like Met fans posing as Marlin fans. A bunch of transplants - you know the type, hats turned to the side, random armbands and wristbands, bad goatees that look more like chin straps, big sun glasses for no reason - running around trying to get people to cheer for the Marlins.

I know we got tons of Met fans down here, of course today was no exception, but do we really need people running around enforcing us to cheer? And the fact that they look like hoodlums lingering around looking to take your seat makes it annoying.

I would rather we paid to keep Miguel Cabrera instead. Or at least Miguel Cabrera's personal bat boy (who, despite rumors, is not Alfredo Amezaga).

And I also want to note that whatever you do, do NOT sit in section 443 row 12 seats 23 and 24. The aisle is on your left, which means there will constantly be people walking up and down the aisle throughout the game blocking your view. What is worse is that these same people are not only illiterate, but also can't read numbers. And then there is the railing that is used to keep these mouth-breathers from falling into the little tunnel that leads into the section that blocks your view of homeplate.

Despite all of that, and dealing with the sea of obnoxious Mets fans, it was good to take in a ball game on a beautiful afternoon. It felt good seeing the guys out there with a renewed sense of hope for the future. Now, let's get a win against these Mutts tomorrow and send their fans home in disappointment - if only it is a brief drive back down into the sewers for the visiting Mets fans.


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