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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Finish what you start

A tenth inning meltdown to the Braves and the Marlins' season is on life support.

Oooppss...I think we lost them.

Maybe there is a chance to resuscitate this team, but most likely they are DOA. The loss to the Braves was a defensive implosion that cost them the game and ultimately their playoff hopes. Borowski, performing his best impression of himself in 2003 with the Cubs, couldn't find the plate and when he did it was like Tball.

Still, there is no reason to respond the way they did. They lost to the Mets tonight 4-0 in what looked to be a quicker foldup than a tent in a hurricane. There was no life in this team, none of the accustomed fight we have become used to seeing from this young ballclub.

And this is even more vital to their development - finish what you start.

Even if you are down and have no chance, you still have to come to the park and play hard and be professional. That is what it is all about. They still have a goal to shoot for - finishing above .500. No one expected them to be this close to the playoffs, let alone this far under the 100 loss marker. They have done a fine job and should be commended.

Unless, they finish badly.

You cannot let your mind be distracted by plays that could have been, should have been or what would have been. You have to go out and focus on today and if this team is going to capitalize on its vast potential for next season, they have to start by finishing this season strong. The experience of being in a pennant race - even on the outside looking in - is invaluable. They will be more hardened and battle-ready next season. They will be less likely to make the boneheaded plays that have costed them their chance this season during the next season.

That is a part of their development. Joe Girardi knows this and basically said that this only means they have to win an extra game to make up for the loss to the Braves. His team responded flat tonight. He needs to find a way to rally them to a strong finish - something he needs to learn to do since he is a rookie manager with no experience.

Don't hang your heads low, guys - be proud of where you are. But don't be satisfied either. Finish strong; finish what you started.


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